Club Deportivo Tinguiririca San Fernando, commonly referred to as Tinguiririca SF, is a Chilean professional basketball club that is based in the city of San Fernando. They currently participate in the Liga Nacional de Básquetbol.


The club was established in July 2012, when he was invited to play in the best basketball sports league in the country, Dimayor. The club is based in the town of San Fernando, in the O'Higgins Region.

In his first season, the sanfernandino team performance was no less, to settle for second place in the regular season, thus classifying the play-offs, where they eventually fall shakes before the cast of the Universidad de Concepción, in a dramatic definition to three games.

After the break initiated by it in the year 2013 the club joined the Liga Nacional Movistar, where he plays from the 2013-14 season, it still champion by defeating in the final Osorno 3-1.

„Тингуиририка Сан Фернандо“ е чилийски баскетболен отбор от град Сан Фернандо. Отборът играе в чилийската Лига на честта и е основан през 1977 година. Домакинските си срещи тимът играе в зала „Еркулес Ернандес“.

Най-добрите постижения на „Тингуиририка Сан Фернандо“ са две сребърни и две бронзови медала от чилийското първенство. През 2018 година отборът достига до финала на Западната купа "Либертадорес".