Sandals South Coast FC is a Jamaican football club based in Westmoreland.


When the football programme began at Sandals South Coast (then Sandals Whitehouse) in 2007 it was little more than a fun pastime for employees at the resort as part of the resort's existing Sports Programme. However, as enthusiasm began to grow for the sport among young men on resort, the Management team zoomed in on the available talent pool and started looking for ways in which to engage their interest. Coach Aaron Lawrence joined the team that year and soon Sandals South Coast had representation at the community/corner league level.

"Сандълс Саут Коуст" е ямайски футболен отбор от град Портмор. Състезава се в Премиър лигата на Ямайка, най-високото ниво във футбола на страната.